I had the most wonderful christmas today. Truly.

Woke up after a nice sleep-in. Hung around in bed for a bit which was luxurious af. Then I got up and fed the pups. Had to run a few errands (which included wrapping Liz’s christmas present at an undisclosed location), and then I was back in time for a delicious breakfast casserole/frittata. We took a long walk with the pups over to Starbucks. Coco did great.

FaceTimed after that with my fam. Then we watched some more Grand Designs, and then it was time for a little basketball, which I only watched for about 20 minutes and then it was back on FaceTime for more screen time with family and friends. Got to open presents with the Ho clan, see the Valdez/Sudan fam, and finish the basketball game.

Holy crap the basketball game! We won! Short-handed against the Suns. It was…it was impressive. Very, very impressive. The Warriors are SO GOOD this year. And entirely unexpectedly. At least to this level. To be able to beat the next-best team in the entire league with two of our three best scorers (three of our best four if you include Klay, who has yet to come back) and the Suns at full-strength? Crazy. We’re so good! It’s amazing. Satisfying after being so good for so long, and then so bad the past two years.

Then we took the pups for a walk in the crisp, wet night before the rain was to return. It was gorgeous. Stars and moonlit clouds and whatnot. Liz played christmas carols in her pocket as we walked. We took the backpack for Coco since she had such a long walk earlier in the day. Put her in halfway through and carried her the rest of the trek home. She loved it.

Then we actually got to FaceTime with Joe and Madhuri and Ashika for real. We didn’t actually open presents with them earlier. We just said hi. It was after the nighttime walk that we got to do a little Christmas together. We ate beef stew that Liz made after that and snuggled in for an evening of several more Grand Designs episodes.

Love that show. It’s our show of this Christmas season. I’ll always think of it this way, now: at home, snuggling with the pups, eating good food and loving our family.

And now it’s raining again outside. Cars hissing past, the drip and splatter of the downspout beside out patio.

Merry Christmas.