Rained almost all day today. There was just enough dry in the morning to take the pups out and go for a walk, eat breakfast myself…and then the rain began.

I painted all day. Who would’ve thought just doing two rooms (three when we’re all said and done, but two so far) would be so much work?! Me…actually. I knew it would be this much work. Thankfully, I have Liz to help, and we even had our friends Stephen and Thida over to help a little as well. They even brought us lunch. Homemade leftovers.

Worked through the day nice and dry inside, whilst outside it was wet and shiny. LA is such a soft rain, usually. No wind to speak of. Small raindrops that fall very gently. The clouds aren’t too thick so light still gets through, and so everything has a very even light to it, slick and shining in the gray. I’ve always liked rainy days in LA, so long as they don’t go on too long, which they never do.

I will tell you this: I am bushwhacked. I think I might sleep very soundly tonight and have a hard time getting up tomorrow. But up I will get. More paining to be done. More outlining to do.

Night night.