Another super productive day.

Got my ass out of bed. Wrote. Outline is going well. This first part of the story…might work best as a little interstitial novella? I don’t know. We’ll see how long it is when I write it. I can see it still working as the first act of the story, so long as I’m concise with it. Flashes of scenes rather than long and detailed. But…breaking it out into a novella is possible. I just worry that it’s necessary for later things in the novel to land properly…

We. Shall. See.

Honestly not going to stress too much about it right now. I’m open to whatever the story needs.

Then I did my Netflix work. Not quite as crazy productive as yesterday, but still solid. Figured out a plan to overcome some difficulties in the particular project I’m working on at the moment. Should be able to follow through with those tomorrow, and deliver a bit early. Always enjoy that 🙂

Client work was great today. It genuinely fills me up to see the authors I work with take strides on their own. Keeps me going.

Then, I worked on the painting project. Over halfway done, now! Should be able to wrap it up this weekend, I hope. We’ll see.

