Wow. I am…really close to 3,000 consecutive days of writing a blog post/journal entry, whichever one you want to call it. That is CRAZY. I genuinely had no idea when I started this little project, or routine, back in 2013 that it would go this long or take me this far.

I was still an actor in 2013. We’d just moved into this apartment and started managing the building. I hadn’t even met Coco yet. I was really, really struggling with working from home, though I was just starting to figure that out. And I’d written nothing.

Another world, 3,000 days ago. Almost.

This has been a solid, SOLID week. Great progress tonight on the “project.” Netflix work was smooth. Writing this morning was a little fraught but ended really, really well.

I have to say, I love this new outlining method you guys. Not so much that the format of the outlining is particularly new. It’s not. But just the fact that I take the time to work out the plot, characters, relationships, etc…scene by scene, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM before actually sitting down to write. It’s a game changer. It’s the right way for me. It’s what I need to actually write the book. Game. Changer. Truly. It’s getting me really excited, little by little, to write this next book.

Time for bed. Another writing and work and “project” day for me tomorrow. Can’t wait. Night night.