I wrote last night about rhythm. Hubris. Best to take things one day at a time when writing is involved.

Got up late today. I was pretty exhausted from the week, and stressed over just how much Netflix work I had on my plate. A losing combination on the writing-front.

BUT…that’s okay. I’m going to get it in tomorrow. And Sunday. A schedule with wiggle room is really clutch for me. I need the gaps. The edges and margins, so that I can use them when I need to. That’s definitely something I’ve learned about myself over the past few years. I’m a procrastinator at heart. Rather than change that, there’s a way to lean into it, instead, and still get done what I want to get done.

Netflix work was long today. As it was yesterday. But, I got it done. I have my work cut out for me early next week, too. What I thought I had a week to do, I actually have two days. Whoops. Might have to work over the weekend on it, actually. We’ll see.

That all means it’s been two days without any painting progress. Sigh. That changes tomorrow, as well.

I did enjoy watching Grand Designs with Liz and the pups. Went grocery shopping and now our fridge went form nearly-empty to popping at the seams. Pups are cozy. Today was beautiful outside for the brief glimpses I had of it.

It was a good day.