I painted for *ten* *hours* today.

Managed to fuck up my left ankle a little bit. I was in an odd crouched position getting to a hard-to-reach part of this wall (because the room has stuff in it) and it totally irritated some of the tendons in my foot. Hopefully not too bad. We’ll see how it feels in the morning. I bet it’s going to be tender for a few days, but nothing major. I can walk on it just fine. Took some ibuprofen and if it still hurts pretty good tomorrow, I’ll ice and wrap it.

But, I got done what I wanted to get done! Primed everything I wanted to prime, which involved all the plastic-ing and taping and sanding. Oh my god all that stuff takes so much time. Obviously, given that I started work at noon at finished at ten in the pm. The actually application of primer is a FRACTION of the time. But…it’s done.

I’m wiped and it’s now past midnight.
