Solid writing this morning. Not my full two hours because of how late I went to bed, but goddammit, even that’s a win folks because just a week ago when I was reeaaallyyy struggling to get to the page, I wouldn’t have sat down to write ANYTHING with a late start.

And it was a *good* session. This is gonna be a good book. I can feel it, now, thank god. Starting to actually see it, and it’s really exciting. A worthy sequel. Though, it’s not really a sequel. The first book was only the beginning of the tale.

Warriors are struggling right now. Big time. Have been for the past three weeks or so, maybe even slightly longer than that. The good news is that Steph is starting to turn it around. But, the rest of the team is reeealllyyy struggling to hit shots. I’m not panicking. I believe in this team. And now is the time to struggle. I think they’ll figure it out.

Long day. Worked really hard. Time for sleep.