Comparison is the thief of joy.

One of the rookie players on my favorite basketball team said that quote last night. And it’s true. Hard to adhere to the lesson it’s getting at, but nonetheless true.

Hard, because in so many ways, we must compare. Comparisons are a huge learning tool. I think it is because comparison is so useful that it can run amok. It can pour itself into places it doesn’t belong.

Not sure exactly why that came to mind as I sat down to write tonight. It wasn’t on my mind during the day.

Busy day. Truly busy. Work threw several unexpected projects at me all at once. Handled them all! Like a boss. That’s always very satisfying. I even got to hang with Liz a decent amount in between all the work. We watched the rest of Eternals and burned through a true crime doc series on a conman in England that pretends to be a secret agent and manipulates people into giving him all their money. Psychopath.

A solid day. I was tired, though. So tired lately. Sigh.

Night night.