Had Godmother sandwiches from Bay Cities Deli today. So, soooo good. So good and filling I didn’t even need a full dinner tonight.

I woke up on time. I was TIRED, but I did my shit! I wrote. I got a few scenes nailed down. More tomorrow! Finding my groove, slowly but surely, even though today was totally helter skelter. Liz had some appointments and stuff that I needed to drop her off and pick her up from (hence being over in Santa Monica to swing by Bay Cities). But, I did good! I did good because I got my ass up early enough to get in the writing first thing.


Now…we do it again tomorrow. This is day 4 of 14 waking up at 6:45 no matter what. Even if I only stay up for thirty minutes and go back to bed…I’m getting up at 6:45. Re-setting my clock.

Night night.