Entering, finally, the final phase of the project.

It involved lifting things today. I am…tired. Had a little bit of a rough night’s sleep last night, too, but I got up on time and I was surprisingly “up” and ready to go. I wrote. I did my Netflix work. I did my SHIT.

Felt good. Exhausted now. Feeling very…upended. Big changes coming. GREAT changes, without question. Changes I’m looking forward to sharing. But, disruptive of the status quo, for sure. Just need to keep my head down and keep moving forward. Step by step. Day by day. A new kind of way.

I started watching the 1959 Tehe House on Haunted Hill tonight while I ate a late dinner. It’s so old school. So clunky. By 1969, just ten years later, we had movies scaring the shit out of people. Learned a lot in those ten years…but I love it already. It’s very cozy. Very “prototypical” in that you can see where scary movies came from, what was innovated, and what they became.

Fun stuff.

Night night.