We washed the pups!

They can’t go to the doomers (groomers) for another couple weeks and because they’re so low to the ground, they just become dust mops at a certain point. So…it get’s ROUGH over here. Dusty dusty dusty.

Well, no longer! They have been bathed. We try not to bathe them as much as possible, actually, because it’s not great for their skin to wash them. They also hate it like we’re trying to drown them. Especially Coco. Made me a little nervous holding her down with her back and all. But…she seems to have made it out okay. I bumped her back with my arm once trying to keep her from jumping out of the sink…hoping I didn’t do anything bad. Blerg. I worry about her so much these days.

Not to give them impression that she’s been injured or sickly at all. Quite the contrary! Coco has been a tank lately. Very healthy. Very active. Very very cookie motivated.

Who among us is not cookie motivated?

There were girl scouts today at Ralph’s when I went to go pick up a couple random things. I bought three boxes of thin mints and then proceeded to rip through one package (half a box) in the course of the afternoon while I was working on stuff.

That. Shit. Is. Crack.

I love me some thin mints.

Love me some soft dogs, too, and they get sooooo soft when they dry from a bath. Like, insanely, deeply, joyously soft.

Night night.