Watched a couple really interesting docs today, both kind of randomly. The first was Found which is about three girls living in various parts of the US that were adopted from China around the turn of the millennium and found each other—cousins, according to 23 an Me—and decide to see if they can find their birth parents on a collective trip to China. It’s one of the sweeter, more heartfelt films I’ve seen in a long time. Highly recommend.

The other is called Downfall: The Case Against Boeing, and it’s about the events that led up to and followed the crashing of two 737 Max planes a few years ago. Pretty damning documentary about how that company’s culture of “safety first” eroded after it merged with another more Wall Street-driven aerospace firm in the late 90s.

Both great. Both recommend. AND! Got to add them to my film list for the year.

Writing was solid this morning! Got through two rather extended scenes. Gonna try to do more of the same tomorrow morning. I’m really, really happy with the plot and character arcs that I’ve chosen. They’re going to be so much fun to write.

Work was good, too. The long day the other day was totally worth it. I’m ahead of the game now. Love it.

Project progress continued. Slow, but hey; steady wins the race.

Night night.