Day 3,033: The Year 3000

Day 3,033: The Year 3000

In three hundred days…so that’s right around the end of this year?…it will be an entry of all threes. Four of them. And about three years after that, it will be all fours. Four of them. I love those kind of milestones. They come around so infrequently, they’re really...
Day 3,032: Bare Bears

Day 3,032: Bare Bears

We Bare Bears is low key one of my new favorite shows of all time. I’m deeeep into season 2 right now, and while this season started off rough, it’s since soared to the highest heights the show has been to this point. I’d fucking die for those bears. And Craboo. And...
Day 3,031: Hungry

Day 3,031: Hungry

I’m hungry. I got plans. Goals. Dreams. I had a good day today. Got my ass up and wrote for a full two hours. Made some really good progress on the outline. I’m actually damn close. Need to keep pushing. See if I can finish here in the next week or two. Get my ass...
Day 3,030: Choke

Day 3,030: Choke

Man. Allergies. Still bad. BETTER. But, still bad. Was helping Bear with an audition and had a little coughing fit from the allergies. Blerg. Not a SUPER productive day. But a solid one. I got all my Netflix shiz done. Like a boss. Writing was weak, though. I was...
Day 3,029: Love

Day 3,029: Love

Happy Valentine’s Day to the love of my life: Elizabeth Ho. There. I said it. It’s out there. Whew! We had a really, really nice love day today. We got to spend MOST of it together, and the brief parts we didn’t made it able for me to run and pick up a couple things I...