Comparisonitis. It’s a motherfucker.

I am not immune. I try my best to manage it, but it’s always there.

We were listening to the podcast “Dead Eyes” last night in our drive to and from the Bu, and the host mentioned a quote…can’t remember who from…but about how as soon as anyone lands in LA, in the back their mind starts the question “how am I doing?”

That shit hit pretty hard. It’s constant here. We are constantly comparing ourselves to other people in LA. It’s a pillar of the fucking industry. It props a lot of shit up. And that’s the insidious thing about it! Comparison, in many forms, is very, very useful. It has value a lot of the time. But, not always, and that constant question running in the background is not one of them. It’s just exhausting, and it makes everyone unhappy. It’s not helpful.

Busy week. Hectic weekend. And the time change…

I do have to say, as much as it’s going to fuuuucking suck to wake up an HOUR EARLIER for the next week, this time change to put more daylight into my evenings gives me LIFE. It feels like the whole fucking world is opening up, and I am ready to get shit done. I love it. Standard time depresses me. Daylight time lifts me up.

Here’s to getting up on time.