Oof. Neck flared up BIG time today. Probably because I sat and worked for too long yesterday. Uuuggghhh. Balancing that has been really hard this past week.

Flare up was bad enough that I saw a doctor about it. “Saw” as in it was a telehealth visit on the phone. He quickly diagnosed it as a muscular injury, and that has irritated a nerve on my left side. And that’s…exactly what it feels like. I could even feel it radiating down that side of my back.

So! I’m on some prescription drugs now. An oral steroid for five days. It’s helping. For sure. But, it’s a rollercoaster. Pain level goes up and down. I’m also icing every couple hours. No heat. And doing my stretches/exercises, even though they make my neck feel like it’s on fucking fire. Might need to see a physical therapist next week…we’ll see.

The plan tonight is to sleep on my back all night. And throughout the weekend. See if a couple solid days of virtually no activity can just clear this shit out. Calm down those muscles and nerves.

Wish me luck.