Curtains are up in the bedroom. We have ze privacy. Woohoo!

They were a bit of a beast to put up only in the sense that I’d never done anything like that before. Well, now I have. They weren’t that complicated in the end. I only made them complicated.

Work, again, was balls to the wall. Slammed. Keeping my head above water, but daaaaamn. I’m ready for a normal-paced day. I hopefully can get that tomorrow, but we’ll see.

Pups are great. Adjusting to the new space. Coco has starting taking herself to bed around 8pm or so. After she’s home from nighttime walk and gets her meatorade, she goes into the bedroom, jumps up on the bed (even though she’s not supposed to—Coco!), does her wiggle worm for a bit, and then passes the fuck out until we finally come to bed. I love it. So much. She’s settled into where she knows the next treat is coming from; in bed. She won’t miss it.

Coops has been really loving hanging out with me outside in my office. He gets sun for a while, then goes into the shade and cools down on the floor. I really love that.

It’s coming together. Very veeerryyyy slowly because we’ve been so incredibly busy…but it is coming together. Tonight, for the first time in our bedroom, we have privacy.

Night night.