Another reeaaallyyyy late night. Offset a bit by taking a pretty epic nap in the late afternoon and quite a bit less physical work. Lot more sitting-at-computer work, however. Made progress on that. Phew. Actually found some stuff I think will work for this project, but we’ll see.

Pups are getting their Rolos for the night, these little treats with good oils and stuff in them that keep their joints in good shape. They’ve been my buds lately, helping me work out in my office. Coco just screamed like she was being murdered…because Liz was brushing her ears. She’s such a DRAMA QUEEN. I love her.

Internet is still spotty. Blerg about that indeed. I had a break in my queued up downloads and uploads to try and see if the slow speeds had anything to do with out own network, wiring or router…they do not. It’s the internet service itself. Conclusively. Same speed issues from everywhere, including plugging directly into the modem. Uuuuggghhh. Going to have to call them to come out and fix it. It’s actually having a dramatic impact on my work. Taking me twice as long to upload anything as it would over at the apartment.

One step at a time.


Night night.