I didn’t quite wake up on time this morning…but I *did* wake up early enough to get in my writing. And it was a solid sesh. Whew.

Better. That’s good enough right now. Just trying to do better each day. We went and got groceries from Costco. That was progress, too. We were down to the nubbins on a bunch of stuff. Now, we’re proper re-stocked and ready for the next couple weeks.

Got my work done. Prepared for my client meeting in the morning. Always exciting and nerve-wracking to meet with someone new. I’m looking forward to it.

Pups are great. Had a zonked-out nap…and I have thoughts on that: need to have the nap a little earlier so I have time to get some stuff done afterwards. Napping late kills the last part of my work day. Don’t like that. But, happy I had the time to take one. They do make a big difference in not hitting a wall later in the week. Here’s hoping that remains true.

I went through the HBO Max A-Z list of movies tonight and marked a bunch of stuff to watch. I love doing that. Sometimes more than even watching the movies themselves, lol. Kind of like trailers, I guess, but with the added mystique of history and reputation. Ooo. That movie looks good, and it’s supposed to be a classic. Definitely adding that one. …and then sometimes they’re not that good. But, sometimes they are!

I really do wonder how much breaking story down constantly and reading so much and watching so much makes me harder to please as an audience. The wheels are hard to shut off. But, then again, I still love it so much, so I guess I also wonder if it really even matters. I get enjoyment out of most things I watch, actually, even when they’re terrible. It’s very, VERY rare that I get nothing out of something I’ve picked to watch. Usually, there’s at least something there.

I still don’t feel like I have rhythm in this house. My routine is sttaaarrttttinnngg to come together, but it’s not there yet. Getting there, but not there yet. And it feels like it’s going to take some time. Longer than the last time, which was 10 years ago.

I was staring at my teeth tonight in the mirror after flossing and brushing them. I’ve been brushing first thing in the morning, now, because Liz told me my teeth were looking more yellow than normal. I used to have SUPER white teeth, because I brushed every day with whitening toothpaste…but over the last two years my dentist gave me a prescription fluoride toothpaste to help keep a weak spot or two from becoming cavities…and it’s not whitening. So, I don’t get that magic stuff on my teeth any more. That AND…

I was staring at my teeth tonight and thinking…those are almost-40-year-old teeth right there. Crazy to think about. I remember being young. It was just a blink ago. And I’m definitely not old yet…but I’m not young any more.

That’s what’s on Ira’s mind tonight. Thanks for stopping by. Hope you have a nice sleep.