Whew. This weekend (and past week!) was a doozy. But, we made it. We’re alive.

Drained from the news. Drained from lots of (very, very fun) socializing. Drained from the heat. Met for the first time with my new therapist. Mostly just drained from being knocked out of the routine.

The weekend is usually when I recharge from all that stuff. Take a lot of “Ira” time. Things like naps, or playing music, or nerding out. A lot of not going anywhere. A lot of self care. Therapy is a huge part of that, actually, and I am so super excited to go back to a Saturday morning schedule. Kick my weekend off right.

Right now, though, mostly I’m just tired. Need to sleep, get up on time tomorrow morning, and finishing out this motherfucker of an outline.

So much story. I’m so afraid it’s going to be too long. We’ll see.

Night night.