Ya. As expected…I did not write ten pages today. I…needed a day off. Or so resistance sold me on. And tomorrow, too.

But, Friday is July 1st. It seems like a good day as any to start my writing bonanza. I’m…scared of it, but I’m also excited. I know I can do it. I’m scared that I won’t. Lots of expectations, like ‘it’ll be the perfect way to show how much progress I’ve made! I can set a goal like this and actually follow through,’ which of course also makes me think ‘yeah, but what if you don’t do it.’

So…one day at a time. I’ll do my best. That’s it, that’s all I have to do. I’ll just do my best.

Work was busy today. Like, super busy. Unexpectedly. Those are always the hardest days. They take a lot out of my…BUT. I got everything done I needed to. I’m in good shape. Whew.

Coops is in the donut again tonight. Letting his hot spots cool down so he doesn’t scratch them any more. He didn’t break any skin, but he did have a couple spots bad enough that he was uncomfortable, and we have this spray that we can’t allow him to lick so…INTO THE DONUT. We’ll try letting him out of it tomorrow and see how he does. If he still itches, back in he goes!

That’s it for tonight fam. Night night.