The weeds in the front of the house are done.

Well…almost. I ran out of daylight and my headlamp just wasn’t cutting it. But, what’s left is almost literally just cleanup. I’ve already pulled everything that needs to be pulled, the rest is scraping it all up with a shovel.

It looks SO MUCH BETTER out there. Holy shit. It looks transformed, actually. Already. And we haven’t even done anything with it yet, really. Oh, it’s so satisfying. I can’t wait to get it all actually finished. Irrigation run. Weed barrier down. Irrigation routed to the plantos. Gravel and decomposed granite down and compacted. Plantos planted. Boom. The best yard on the block, bitches. From worst to first!

Today was supposed to be a writing day, but I looked at the forecast and holy BALLS it is going to be hot for the next week starting tomorrow. Like, triple digits for nine days or so, peaking at around 110 over the weekend.

That’s insane. Too hot to work outside. SO…I made the executive decision to not write this morning or evening, and to get my ass out there and finish the job. This was my shot. It was only 90-ish today. I can handle that.

So, I did it. I’m very, very glad I did. Next, I’m going to focus on writing for the next six or so straight days. Eight, actually, now that I think about it. Sigh. THAT is going to be a challenge. Big time.

Love our house. It’s coming together. It really is.

Night night.