
Not the writing day I need today. But…we’re letting it go. I had too much other stuff to do. And I’m glad I did it.

We’re doing an outdoor movie night for my birthday, and last time we used literally my crappy computer speakers, and it was fine. It worked. Not great, but it worked. Well…not this time. I didn’t want to use that. We have like three times the number of people. We live right in an airport flight path. We need a decent set of speakers.

Right as I was sitting down to do my evening pages, I found the perfect system on Craigslist. All the way down in Huntington Beach. One of those mini-PA systems by Fender that’s all self-contained. They’re super solid. They last for decades. And it was at a really good price.

So…I drove down and picked it up. Now we have sound for the movie. I’m going to get a pair of speaker stands, too.

In the end, not much writing. About ten pages. Sigh. It puts me 15 pages behind already, but I’m going to flush today on the pages front and focus on getting off to a good start tomorrow. That seems to be the ticket. A strong start and I’m golden. So, that’s the goal tomorrow.

Night night!