It was cold today and it was wet today…but we had a blast at Disneyland anyway. The sun even peeked out for a couple hours in the afternoon. Ashika, all things considered, was a freaking trooper, man. She was great. And she was completely sucked in by the whole experience. Captivated. I think her favorite ride might have been It’s A Small World.

We had a great dinner. I had a Pinot Noir that I *really* enjoyed, and then we hung out at the hotel and put Ashi to bed. Her mom and dad are out at the park now doing some fun stuff on their own. I think they went to Star Wars land.

Wiped. Long day coming tomorrow. I mean, long because we’ll be doing so much fun stuff. Long in the best way.

What a fun trip. Ashi’s birthday is tomorrow.

Night night.