I jinxed us. So hard.

I wrote last night that Joy was out of the woods on the whole eating snake plant affair. Boy was I wrong! Lol. And not in any terrible way. She’s fine. But…she did puke like seven thousand times from about 3am to 6am, during which time Liz and I got nary a wink of sleep.


She was fine after that. Tired. But she perked up around midday, and by evening it was pretty clear that she was feeling better so we went ahead and gave her a full meal. She’s been fine with it so far. Conventional wisdom says she should continue to improve—snake plant should be out of her system in about 48 hours. Hopefully that bears out, but I tell you what: I’m not going to jinx us a second time. We’ll sleep tonight with one ear open.

Poor baby.

Wish us luck. Night night!