I keep remembering each night as I come to write my blog entry that I know I’m one number off somewhere. And it happened a few weeks ago. I need to go back and figure that out at some point, le sigh.

A solid weekend day today. Slept in a bit. Therapy. Took a shower. We went to a friend’s birthday party. Came home and took a nap. Played a little Switch (MarioKart). Walked the dogs. Ate dinner together and finished Shiny Happy People.

Religion, man. It’s so ripe for oppression, exploitation, and abuse. I don’t trust it because of that. It’s brainwashing. Isolation from the outside world was something I was taught from a very early age. I don’t know how much I’ve talked about it here on the blog, but I went to a Seventh Day Adventist school from first grade through fifth grade; I went to the same church while I did. And while that school was a positive thing in terms of my confidence as a student, I am also incredibly grateful to have separated from that environment for my middle and high school years. It really gave me much-needed perspective and encouraged me to think for myself and be a PART of the world.

It’s oppressive. Particularly the more conservative, fundamentalist groups. I know a lot of people who’ve struggled in their young adult years and beyond because of how restrictive their upbringing was, which entirely came from the church.



Solid day. Night night.