I was much closer to my page goal today. Sixteen pages. Just four shy. Granted, it means I’m well shy of what I wanted to cover in the first two days, but I’m not focused on that right now. There will be time to make that up in the days to come. For these sprint days, the focus is just on the here and now.

I can do close to twenty pages a day in six hours. That’s…a LOT of writing time to try and fit in around a full time job. I’m honestly not sure if I can do it every day I wanted to…but I’m only trying to do that four days out of the week. The other three are about rest. Or, at least as much as I can get. There will also be making up lost pages, and reading/rewriting. The realization I had was that if I really want to churn out 80 pages a week—and I do—it’s both a marathon and a sprint. I will go ham as hard as I can on those four sprint days, but I must expect to still be working those other three days as well. Find both the work and the rest seven days a week is truly the key.

And I can do it. I’m excited to do it. I love this part of the process. I don’t want to rush anything. I want, rather, the find the sustained effort, the rhythm I need to finish this book in the time I want to finish it. “Fast” and “slow” are entirely mental constructs, and judgey at that.

Time for sleep. Joy is being a little terror tonight for some reason.

Night night.