Coops has a heart murmur. He saw a cardiologist today and the news is about as good as it could possibly be. Downside, he does have a heart murmur. The upside: it’s a type that has an 80% chance of developing so slowly it will never be an issue, and currently, his heart is otherwise completely normal in every other aspect. In the 20% that it does start to cause issues, such as enlarging his heart, by checking it frequently, we’d be able to catch it very early on, and there are medications and lifestyle adjustments we can make that should mitigate further issues.

All to say: Coops is healthy, still, and there’s every reason to expect him to remain that way into the near future. Whew! Oh, and it’s congenital, and entirely a product of age.

Joy, meanwhile, continues to be a rascal. She’s started to get extra hyper before bed, now. Part of it is that she’s frustrated she can’t go on walks, can’t play with Snacks, and otherwise can’t get all of her energy out. But, those are doctor’s orders until she’s two weeks removed from her spay surgery. Sigh. Poor baby.

Writing was solid today. Interrupted with life stuff, but that’s okay. It happens. I’m behind, but I’m not lost. I’m 33 pages in, which another 47 to get through this week. I have two more work days to get that done. I’ll likely be a bit short…but only a bit. So long as I keep it all within striking distance, experience has taught me I’m fine. Sometimes I’ll be able to catch up. Other times I’ll fall behind. But, the key is staying close enough not to lose hope.

I’m in a good place, genuinely. This book is going to get done, and faster than ever before. I can’t wait.

Night night.