So, over the last ten years, I’ve flubbed the day count here and there enough to be off (from yesterday) by ten days but REALLY…I’m off three days, somehow. Three days unaccounted for. And they probably exist, actually, I just didn’t tag them right so they haven’t shown up in my little post counter that I use to get myself back on track whenever I inevitably seem to mis-number a day.

Have to say, though: not bad for ten years, right?

Two leap years. Ten trips around the Sun. I’ve changed so much it’s wild. AND stayed the same. It’s still very much me writing each of these entries. The voice hasn’t changed. But so much else has. It’s not quite time to reflect on all that yet, but I can’t help myself.

I needed a recharge day today. No writing. And so I took it, and worked on the blog instead. Found a missing day, one from when we went out to the getaway cabins with Cooper and Coco. Made me miss her terribly. Been doing that a lot lately.

And that makes me think of Joy. She hasn’t filled Coco’s hole. I realize she never will because she never could: she’s just herself. She has added to my life, however, when I’d just suffered such a loss. It helped. She helps. She’s pressed up against me so tight right now in bed. And she chose it. I didn’t put her here. I just made sure she knew I loved it when she did snuggle up like this. That’s the trick with pets. Cats and dogs and probably all of them. You can’t force them to do anything. Or, you can but if you force them to do something, choose it for them, they’ll never choose it on their own. They’ll never want to do it. Instead, you just lavish them with love and attention any time they do what you want. And then, eventually, they’ll just do it all on their own and think it was their idea.

Night night.