Left my iPad out in my office. Eye roooollll. Thumbin it over here on the old iPhone.

Joy is being a maniac tonight. So silly. Right now she’s digging into my leg like she needs to build a burrow. And now she just dove underneath the blankets and wants to play blanket monster. Crazy baby.

Three days in a row getting up on time and getting in all three hours of writing in! I think maybe I was trying to force a 6:30 start time when 6:45/7am is really the sweet spot for me. Like…THE sweet spot. I wonder why that is. No idea, but it’s working. I don’t know why I tried to make 6:30 work for so long when 6:45/7 has been so good to me in the past. Well…I do know. Starting at 6:30 consistently would give me buffer time between finishing writing and going to work. That’s why I tried it. I was trying to make my schedule even better than it was. But, if it ain’t baroque, don’t fix it, I guess; right Cogsworth?


Now Joy is asleep over on Liz. Curled right up on her lap. She had a big day today, going to the doomers. Apparently she’s really really difficult to groom, which is a bummer. We need to teach her to be better, or I worry our person won’t take her as a client anymore. She’s nervous, Joy is. About being groomed, but also about people in general. Strangers, anyway, and she hasn’t had enough time with her groomer to bond. Even then, she’s super squirmy about being groomed at home by us.


It’s a new challenge. Both Cooper and Coco have always been easy at the groomers. But Joy will have to be taught.

Night night.