A solid day. Last night was an adventure though; literally right after turning out the lights to fall asleep, Joy decided to puke in bed. All over the sheets. And the mattress below. So, it was a quick strip of the bed, tossing the sheets into the wash, dabbing off the mattress (and febreezing it), and then making the bed all over again. Which we’d done a couple hours earlier already because it was Sunday.

And then she puked again. This time, Liz was able to snatch her off the bed in time.

And then she woke me up at 1am to go outside and do a diarrhea.

And then again at 6am.

Sigh. Poor babes. The gooood news is that she was normal after that. Poops were still a bit soft, but no more emergencies. No more puking. Ate normal, acted normal, belly felt normal. Whatever it is she ate, I think she got it out.

So…that definitely sent my morning askew. But! I had a good day, anyway. Good netflix work. Some client work. Did yoga. Got to hang out with Bear. Took a shower in prep for my HAIRCUT TOMORROW. My hair. Is so. SO. Long. Three months. Can’t wait to have it cut. Tomorrow.

Night night.