A banner day for movies, out of nowhere.

I’m halfway through Stalker by Andrei Tarkovsky. It’s been on my list to watch for a while, now; ever since watching his Solaris really and absolutely being blown away by it. Solaris is the only film I’ve ever seen that does what 2001 does. Sooooooo maaaannnyyy movies and filmmakers have tried to do what that movie does, and none of them do it. Except Solaris. So…Tarkovsky’s other scifi-ish film has been on the list.

What. The fuck. Was I WAITING FOR???

I wasn’t expecting it to be as good as it is. Holy CRAP. I’m so fucking in on it! Can’t wait to finish it.

In the meantime, randomly, Liz and I stumbled upon another mountain climbing documentary called Touching the Void. Y’all. Y’ALL. WE WERE NOT PREPARED. It was way, waaaayyy more intense than I anticipated, and I mean that in a very, very good way. It’s legit one of the best documentaries—and easily the best re-enactments—I have ever seen in my goddamn life. Holy shit that story was incredible. Absolutely incredible. Astonishing. Harrowing. And deeply moving. I can’t believe a bigger deal wasn’t made of this movie.

So…yeah. Crazy good day for movies. Out of NOWHERE. Neither movie I planned to get into. It just happened.

Anyway…past bed time. Night night.