Making this a quick one because it’s almost bed time and I want to establish a new routine of using my omnifocus app every night before bed to plan out my next day in terms of all the little stuff I need to get done. The big stuff, too, but it’s the smaller stuff I struggle with.

I’ve gone through stretches of using the app to really great effect; the last time was a couple years ago. Really helped me keep on track of stuff. But, then I get more on top of things and I let the rope slip. I’m on top of things right now…but not as much as I know I could be.

Constant struggle there, I know. But, it’s true. The main reason I don’t get as much of the little things done each day as I want to is because the mental energy of holding them is too high. I burn out. I have to let them drift away because they’re too much to hold onto. And that’s where a capture system for tasks is supposed to come in handy. And it has! But I struggle to stick with it, and the reason I struggle, for sure, is that I don’t keep it updated enough. It gets outdated, therefore irrelevant, so I don’t check it.

We’ll see if this works. Wish me luck. Night night 🙂