A zero day today writing-wise. Sigh. Lots of moving parts right now to waking life. No excuse, though…except for fatigue. And that what I’m working on right now is hard. That’s the plain and simple truth of it. Outlining. It’s hard. For me. Maybe it’s easy for other writers. Maybe it’s easy for you. But for me, this is where all the big questions need to be answered, where the events of the book and the character arcs all must be mapped out. It’s the lynchpin of writing the book, for me. This is where the magic happens.

Well…maybe not the magic. But the foundation for the magic. The grunt work for the art.

Beautiful day. Beautiful day. This has been a proper March. Last year, it was rain rain rain, all the way into April, I remember. Not this year. This year, March is gorgeous, like it usually is. Cool and Sunny with the sweetest of breezes.

Turning the writing around is as simple as getting out into my office on time, so here we go. Bed on time. Up on time. Three full hours of writing tomorrow, no excuses, no prisoners.

Night night. I get to do a little reading to lull me to snooze town.