A rainy day with bits of cloudy sunshine speckled in there. We did a lay-in. Slept in waaaay late. 1:30 for her, and the same for me, except I got up at 8 and was awake for a few hours—breakfast, walked dogs, watched some old F1 racing—and then I went back and joined her because I was falling asleep on the couch.

It was a busy busy week. For sure. I really needed this weekend to chill.

I was thinking about some characters in my upcoming book today, listening to music and driving over to Nicole and Alex’s to pick up the card I’d left at the bat last night where we were celebrating his birthday. Idiot move, that; leaving the card. But I was listening to this song that’s caught me ear the past few days on repeat, and thinking about The Wrestler for some reason. What a good movie that was; really solid storytelling. Brilliant even. Very real. And that arc of the broken down, fuckup of a person and giving them a journey of trying to do better…but ultimately failing because that’s who they are, they’ve been that person their whole life, and it’s too late for them to change…just how tragic and sad that is. And very real.

I think I was thinking about that movie because there’s a contestant on this most recent season of Alone who reminds me of that character in The Wrestler. A guy who’d obviously made some poor decisions and probably had a lot of people in his life that he’d hurt, and how being on the show was part of him trying to turn his life around. He even kind of talked like Mickey Rourke does.


Good stuff. We also watched Event Horizon together today because Liz had never seen it. It’s still fun! A really weird mix of “wait…wow; is this movie actually *good*?” and “oh…oh, no, it’s kinda silly trash.” So, a rollercoaster in that regard, I suppose. But it’s fun. Go in with the right expectations—a cocaine-fueled 90s horror movie in space—and you won’t be disappointed. I only say “cocaine-fueled” because EVERY movie was back then, at least in that lower-budget genre fare. Something inherited from the 80s.

I digress.

Night night.