There was a solar eclipse today. Like the one back in 2017–it’s crazy to think it’s been that long since standing up on the roof of our building with a cereal box in-hand, looking at the finger-nail shaped bite that was taken out of the sun—it wasn’t a big to-do here in LA. Not in the path of the “totality” unfortunately. There’s going to be one in NorCal 21 years from now. I think I’ll make sure to go to that one. I’d love to experience something so…colossal, as the sun being blotted from the sky. Or maybe I’ll travel abroad for one coming sooner. It’s definitely an experience I want to have, in retrospect. IF the weather cooperates. That’s the big caveat, I suppose. So many places were overcast today.

I wrote. It was rough. Hard. But, I’ve started on my detailed outline, and godammit if it doesn’t feel terrifying and amazing to actually be living the story in my head for the first time, to some degree. Not as detailed as it will be when I write it, but almost there. It’s a rush.

Work was slower today. More reasonable. A relief. I took a nap. I did some podcast editing, finally, that I’ve been putting off for two weeks. I walked the dogs with Liz. Ate dinner and watched TV on the couch.

A good day. Now, to get up and do it again tomorrow!