Joy took me hostage there for a sec, licking my face. But she’s getting better now that’s she’s growing up in being able to listen when I want her to stop. The compulsion is controllable. And a cute compulsion it is. I love, especially, picking her up by her shoulders and lying her stretched out, belly to my chest, and licking my face. Love it. It’s how I pick her up off the floor. She loves it, too.

Coops, curled up and happy down at the end of the bed. He was my buddy today. Lots of snuggles. Time in my office together.

It was an unexpectedly busy day today. But, I got in all my writing—made REAL progress today. The book is already taking shape. And it’s dope. Got all my Netflix work done. Didn’t get any of my yard work done, but that’s okay. Deferred to tomorrow. Oh, I got some podcasting editing done. A little bit, right at the end.

Now…sleep. I’m BUSHED.