Coops is feeling better today. His pep was back in his step, even if his eye is still obviously bothering him. He can open it better tonight, especially, so that’s a relief. Mostly though it was just good to see him acting more like normal today. He wanted to eat. He wanted to walk. He jumped on and off the bed. He wanted to be by me, mostly. Sweet boy.

It was a sleeeeepy day. I was out of it until this evening. No sleep will do that. Coops had to go potty and get meds at 8, but then we slept for two more hours till 10, and that was nice. Still not quite 8 hours, but better. I got up after that and ate breakfast, watched the Chinese Grand Prix, ate some lunch, and then passed out again for a couple hours. Or a few? I’m not entirely sure.

Woke up after that groggy and zonked, but straightened up a bit in my office, put some stuff away, did my time sheet for the week, and then came in to eat some dinner before walking the pups. Nighttime walk was lovely. Hung out for a bit with Bear and watched the 30-minute episode of Bluey where they almost sell their house and move…and then made the bed before doing nighttime routine. Now Coops is passed out on my foot, and Joy is pressed up into my lap so, so hard.


Night night.