Coops’ eye is definitely better tonight. Whew! He has it open, and he’s able to see with it. I mean, there wasn’t anything the ER doc told us that would indicate they were worried about whether or not it would heal, but still…it’s good to see. He’s definitely doing better. More regular Coops. He gets knocked out by the Gabbapentin, that’s for sure. But he’s otherwise just Coops. Sweet, snuggle boy with the soft eyes.

Joy is just Joy. Playing with Snacks. Wanting to play with me and Liz. Tug of war and fetch and blanket monster and finding random shit to chew on. She’s very busy. And then she conks out around 9pm. Good night. Love her. Sweet baby.

I was definitely still a bit out of it today, but nothing too bad. Just…not locked in by any means. But I’m resolved to get out of bed on time tomorrow and get back into the groove.

Night night.