Sigh. Another zonked day. But not tomorrow. I can feel it. Tomorrow, it’s as simple as getting up on time, staying off my phone, and just going for it. Back into the zone. It’s going to feel good. A relief.

I took another epiiiccc nap today. Finished a project for work (almost done, anyway—the heaviest lifting, at least, should be behind us if all goes well), and checked the eff out for a couple hours. I needed that nap. Big time. Whew. Hopefully all part of getting my feet back onto the ground.

Snacks was super duper snuggly today for some reason. After Joy had gone back inside after their play sesh, he was meowing outside for her, and I called him out to my office. He came, and he wanted pats. For like fifteen minutes, he was just all sweet and wanting to get pets and scritches, rubbing all over me. Sweet boy. Need to get him a name tag.

Joy, also super snuggly. And Coops, too. He’s still on the mend. Blue eye still irritated and staying closed for the most part. But, not all the time, now, and the redness inside is definitely lessened. Seems like the meds are working. Hope so. He sees a specialist about it tomorrow.

It was gorgeous today. Sunny and cool. Grey and misty in the morning. Just how I like it. Reminds me of home…except that down here, it’s only like that this time of year, whereas that’s summer weather up there. Not a fan of that. I do like it when it’s warm down here…but I like it even better when it’s like this, because it’s the beginning of the year. There’s still time to do everything.

And there is. Need to knuckle the fuck down and get these detailed outlines written, because the page BECKONS.

Night night.