Took our goddaughter Mir to pick out and buy her first records today. She just turned 15, and her parents got her a turntable and speakers for her birthday. Grandma and Grandpa brought over some vintage records as well…but this was the first time going to a record store and picking out her own albums. She got David Bowie’s Tonight, The Cure’s The Top, and…oh man, blanking on the third. Gah. Anyway, it was a good haul.

Then we helped her get it set up in her room, since everything was still in boxes. Nice turntable. Solid entry-level one. Speakers, too, which has Bluetooth built in so she could play music off her phone as well. The turntable has Bluetooth as well, so it can go to headphones instead of the speakers, which is cool. Apparently, she listened for a couple hours after we got it set up, showed her how everything worked, and then left. Makes me happy to hear that, because the whole point of it for me at least was just to get her to see how it all worked, to not be scared to use it because it’s a big unknown. I think we accomplished that. And I hope she gets into it, because records are a really cool, really wonderful way to enjoy music.

Night night.