The NBA app on Apple TV added something that makes me very excited: all the old seasons. IN FULL. Previously, it was restricted to, like, the previous calendar year on the Apple TV app. You could go back to older seasons on the web browser site version of League Pass, and it worked on the iPad…but not on apple tv. Now it does! Woohoo! I can go back and re-live the Warriors glory days. And I’m going to. Starting with the 2014/15 title run, I think. We’ll see. A salve for how rough the past two seasons have been.

Grateful for my home tonight and my dogs and my Bear. We had a very chill day, full of recharging naps and quiet time. It was glorious. I need several more days of that to get back to normal, I think, but I can do it. Hopefully work cooperates and stays chill. We’ll see.

Night night.