Glorious new sheets. The patio lights twinkling outside, sliding door open letting in the night air. Life is good.

I had a productive day. Lots of Netflix work. All my writing. Snuck in a trip to Costco (and Ralph’s) and the fridge is full again. Pups fed, walked and medicated (Coops is doing so well!). And a nice hang on the couch with Bear. It was a good day. I’m wiped, lol.

Nice and cool in the morning, warm during the day, and cool tonight. I think it’s going to be like this for a few days. I hope so. This is my favorite LA weather. It wasn’t as hard to get up for writing this morning as I thought it would be. That’s always a nice surprise. I expect it to be hard tomorrow morning. We’ll see. Oh! And I did my push-ups/sit-ups and yoga. I really did it all today. Feels good.

Snacks is outside chasing Nugget around right now, being a dick, not leaving her alone when she wants to be left alone. He does that ALL THE TIME. I’m convinced it’s one of the reasons he loves Joy so much, because she’s always down to wrastle, and he loves to wrastle allll the tiiiiimmeee.

Didn’t have any downtime today, really. That’s why I’m so wiped. No time for napping or reading or anything of the sort. Just go, go, go. Like Snacks. And Joy.

Night night.