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Day 3,813: He Chose It

Day 3,813: He Chose It

It’s a late one. We were out at USC seeing our friend Joe’s world premier of a play he wrote in the Playwriting masters program over there. He graduates at the end of this term. So freaking proud of him! So proud. Liz and I got to go together, and it was wild being...

Day 3,812: Handsome Boy

Day 3,812: Handsome Boy

I wrote today. That was good. What a busy, busy couple weeks. I hung with it pretty good, all things considered. Genuinely. There’s not much time for else when you’re pulling twelve, fourteen hour days with work. And those days mean recovery time for me. That’s always...

Day 3,811: S’Rainin

Day 3,811: S’Rainin

It rained today, even though it wasn’t in the forecast…which is wild, because I could tell it was going to rain from the moment I stepped outside this morning, lol. It’s a cold rain, too, though blessedly not that windy. Didn’t rain for long—maybe an hour or so…but...

Day 3,809: Bizzy

Day 3,809: Bizzy

Another crazy busy day. Been a lot of them! But we persist. It’s past bed time, so that’s all I have for you tonight. Nighty night.

Day 3,808: Please, My Son

Day 3,808: Please, My Son

Wiped. Work. So busy. So, sooooo busy. But, we persist. And I got my stuff done! Crossed a big threshold today, which was nice. Another team really liked what we were working on. Anyway…night night. Need a good sleep.

Day 3,807: Under Covers

Day 3,807: Under Covers

Joy put herself under the covers tonight. She’s back up out of them right now, but she wrapped herself up under one of the blankets before we came into bed. lol. It’s a chilly night tonight, I guess. And she wants to be cozy. Now she’s up on top of Liz’s lap. That’s...

Day 3,806: S’rainin

Day 3,806: S’rainin

A rainy day with bits of cloudy sunshine speckled in there. We did a lay-in. Slept in waaaay late. 1:30 for her, and the same for me, except I got up at 8 and was awake for a few hours—breakfast, walked dogs, watched some old F1 racing—and then I went back and joined...

Day 3,805: A New Book

Day 3,805: A New Book

Another really, really busy day today. Whew. But, we’re here at the weekend. It’s raining outside. The dripping kind. Pups are snuggled up in bed. It’s sleepy time. I’ll have more to say tomorrow, I’m sure. For now…it’s simply “night night.”

Day 3,804: I’m Sure It Was Me

Day 3,804: I’m Sure It Was Me

Another night of working through. Le sigh. But…the peeps are happy with the work so far, and that’s a relief. It’s sleep time. I did my writing. I won’t get to do it tomorrow, unfortunately. Not with the morning I have ahead of me with…more work, lol. We’re getting...