Day 3,138: Billy

Day 3,138: Billy

We watched The VVitch tonight. Horror film that garnered some acclaim a few years back. Always looked like the kind of horror film I would like, and I was right. It was the kind of horror film I actually enjoy watching…except it wasn’t all that great. Don’t get me...
Day 3,137: Tattoo

Day 3,137: Tattoo

Late. Quick one. Amelie still holds up! Whew. Haven’t seen it for literally 20 years, and I only saw it that once…but it’s still pretty damn good y’all. Not perfect—the love story has some bumps and bruises…but they stick the landing. And that SCORE. My god. It’s...
Day 3,136: Y’all

Day 3,136: Y’all

The Deep End on Hulu continues to be absolutely banana boat batshit. The Warriors lost game 1 to the Celtics. They’re in trouble. For real. I’m not counting them out yet, but they need to make an adjustment. We’ll see how game 2 goes. See if we can steal one in...
Day 3,135: Everything In Its Place

Day 3,135: Everything In Its Place

Starting to feel a box form around my writing, and in a GOOD way. Like, something I can turn on and off. I turn it on in the morning…and then I get to stop and turn it off until the next day. The ONLY thing still not quite up to snuff is getting in my full two hours....
Day 3,134: Better!

Day 3,134: Better!

I didn’t quite wake up on time this morning…but I *did* wake up early enough to get in my writing. And it was a solid sesh. Whew. Better. That’s good enough right now. Just trying to do better each day. We went and got groceries from Costco. That was progress, too. We...