Day 3,018: Extra

Day 3,018: Extra

Worked extra today. And last weekend. Wanted to try and clear out some time to work on the project tomorrow, which has NOT happened this week. Blerg. But, tomorrow! Tomorrow we shall vanquish and conquer. It’s chilly tonight. Pups are bundled up. It’s late. That’s the...
Day 3,017: Joythief

Day 3,017: Joythief

Comparison is the thief of joy. One of the rookie players on my favorite basketball team said that quote last night. And it’s true. Hard to adhere to the lesson it’s getting at, but nonetheless true. Hard, because in so many ways, we must compare. Comparisons are a...
Day 3,016: Stories Are Hard

Day 3,016: Stories Are Hard

Stories are hard. So much of the time, the work isn’t quite there. The pieces are, but it doesn’t all come together the way it needs to. This happens at various levels, obviously. Sometimes it’s an unmitigated disaster. Sometimes it’s so close that we can shrug off...
Day 3,015: Movies

Day 3,015: Movies

So, I feel the hankering to watch 100 movies this year; to do that challenge. Starting off SUPER slow. I’ve been so busy. I eased off the busy today. I still got up on time, had a solid writing session, though not a spectacular one—I didn’t push hard to make progress,...
Day 3,014: Ahead of the Game

Day 3,014: Ahead of the Game

Boom. I had a productive weekend, folks. Whew. It wasn’t on the big project, but I did get the rest of my Netflix work done, help Liz with a bunch of audition stuff, and get ahead of the schedule with the podcast, using up that available storage space to build a nice...
Day 3,013: Yarwl

Day 3,013: Yarwl

Coco was NOT having her water treadmill sesh today. It’s her second to last, and there was a bit of commotion going on in the facility, and I think it just knocked her off her rhythm. She was yawrling all over the place. That’s what we call her mixture of barking and...