Day 2,977: Eve!

Day 2,977: Eve!

Merry Christmas Eve everyone who celebrates Christmas! We kept with a stalwart Heinichen family tradition tonight and drank Five Farm irish cream (so delish) and watched TV. Usually it’s a movie, and we were going to watch Shang-Chi, but we ended up watching several...
Day 2,976: Eve Eve

Day 2,976: Eve Eve

On this day before Christmas Eve, Liz and I ran a bunch of errands in the rain. It rained ALL DAY here in LA. Things are going to be nice and green and crisp tomorrow when it stops and the sun comes back out. So very much looking forward to it. So weird to be away...
Day 2,975: Grand Designs

Day 2,975: Grand Designs

I’m not sure when last we were watching Grand Designs…might have been around this time last year…might have been this summer or spring (feels like it might be the latter)…but it feels like the PERFECT holiday show for us to watch. It’s cozy, it’s exciting and makes us...
Day 2,974: Ice Bear

Day 2,974: Ice Bear

You guys, We Bare Bears is soooo gooood. It’s on HBO Max. The cutest, funniest cartoon ever. Panda, Ice Bear and Grizz for life. Also watched Free Solo which was inspired by us watching The Alpinist a couple days ago. It was also very well done. Free Solo definitely...
Day 2,793: The Rush

Day 2,793: The Rush

There is nothing better than discovering a new artist and going through their catalogue of work and loving everything they’ve done. I have hours of music to listen to! It’s why this entry is so late. I got sucked in. Great work day. Decent writing session. Tomorrow, I...
Day 2,972: Cocomon

Day 2,972: Cocomon

I took it easy today. First day in a while I’ve actually been able to do that. I needed it! I ended taking a two-hour nap in the afternoon! I was tired. It’s chilly. Christmas is close. Pups are in snuggly little sweaters. Coco is doing great. She’s normal. Strong....