Day 1,034: Settling In

Day 1,034: Settling In

Today was exactly the work-win I needed it to be, y’all. I got everything done I needed to, it’s puts me back on track to meeting my initial goals, and if I can follow through with another two days of equally productive work…a day “off”...
Day 1,024: Dig Dig Dig

Day 1,024: Dig Dig Dig

Cooper is currently digging himself the perfect sleeping spot on the bed. The rascal. I was just thinking about how we really should get him, and Coco that matter, those neck-leads they use in dog shows or that Cesar Milan uses. He’s been aggressive lately on...
Day 999: Holy Shit

Day 999: Holy Shit

Guys. GUYS. …tomorrow will be day 1,000. Holy SHYTE. I literally just went and made sure that I’ve counted this all correctly. This snuck up on me. Big time. I figured the millennium day was still a good week or two away. It’s not. It’s...
Day 801: Cooper/Coco is worth it

Day 801: Cooper/Coco is worth it

Yeah, baby, they’re worth it. The Ho and I have been singing that song all day, replacing the words with the Coops and the Coco. Speaking of the pups, I finally made Coco’s appointment for next week to go and see the doctor and get her teeth cleaned....
Day 795: Dream Big

Day 795: Dream Big

Today was the first day of 2016, and I spent it with my family. Liz, Coops and Coco. That was really, really awesome. We ate fun food (I went and got donuts for the first time in months), we went out for dinner/lunch, took a nap together, played some Skyrim together,...