Day 469: Deadlines

Day 469: Deadlines

Dome city tonight by Steve R. Dodd. There was a deadline hit today. I got my newest draft of my pilot script finito and sent off to a couple people who are near and dear to me, charged with helping me get the *next* draft finito and in good shape to share with even...
Day 422: Christmas Eve 2014

Day 422: Christmas Eve 2014

Merry Christmas everybody! It was kind of a long day today actually. Let’s see, the Ho and I took the pups on a walk. We did that after I’d taken a shower…I can’t remember if she’d taken a shower or not, but it was the right time to take...
Day 389: Editing Level: Boss

Day 389: Editing Level: Boss

You may call me master editing sensei. Not all the time…well, okay, all the time. Or, at least today. Which is now yesterday, since it just struck 12:01 on the AM. I editing almost 30 minutes of finished product today. And, I am now all caught up. Yes, you heard...
Day 326: Russell

Day 326: Russell

My little brother Russell died in a car crash 8 years ago today. I remember exactly where I was standing when I heard the news. I had just come out of the bathroom at Maggiano’s, and my mom had left me message saying that I needed to call home. I did, and she...
Day 285: Madre

Day 285: Madre

So, Liz left this morning for New York. Drove her there with the Coops at 6:30 in the AM. But, no traffic on the weekend, so it wasn’t too bad, you know? She apparently *barely* made her flight because the lines for security were so bad. LAX, man. It can be a...