Day 227: Packing

Day 227: Packing

Going out of town for the next four days. The packing has commenced. Generally a more involved affair for the Ho than myself, as is proving true at the moment. She’s taken over the closet 😛 Got all my work done today, very satisfying. Balanced the checking...
Day 165: Rodan + Fields

Day 165: Rodan + Fields

Tonight, the Ho hosted a pajama party with her girl friends as kind of a launch party for this new business side thing that she’s recently taken on, and it was a rousing success. I think I expected more people to show than she did, but it’s safe to say...
Day 67: The “Day Off” Paradox

Day 67: The “Day Off” Paradox

If you’re anything like me, and I’d totally be interested to hear if this has never happened to you, I have the nasty habit of taking a day off, and then just feeling guilty, like I didn’t get enough done at the end of the day. That happened today....
Day 62: Montage

Day 62: Montage

Today was Seth’s birthday. I know what you’re thinking. Didn’t we *just* do a birthday yesterday for your brother? The answer is yes, we did. This is a different brother. Scott’s is on the 28th of December, Seth’s is on the 29th. I must...