Day 805: Crushed

Day 805: Crushed

As in, I crushed today. Not like something crushed me. Today was just one of those days, man, where I did everything I set out to do. All of it. I wrote for all the hours I wanted to, which turned out to be exactly how much time I needed to finish the second draft of...
Day 797: It’s only the 3rd

Day 797: It’s only the 3rd

It feels like New Years was a freaking week ago…it was two days ago. Perhaps that’s what work days will do to you 😛 I’m bushwhacked. I worked the end of 2015 hard core, and I’m feeling it right now. I played a bit of the Skyrim, and I think I...
Day 795: Dream Big

Day 795: Dream Big

Today was the first day of 2016, and I spent it with my family. Liz, Coops and Coco. That was really, really awesome. We ate fun food (I went and got donuts for the first time in months), we went out for dinner/lunch, took a nap together, played some Skyrim together,...
Day 776: Wiped

Day 776: Wiped

Today was loooooong 😛 The one thing about doing these narrations is that I don’t get to put anything on in the background – music, netflix, etc. It’s just narrating 24/7, no distractions. That really takes it out of you. I can only do them for about...
Day 747: New Normal

Day 747: New Normal

Artwork tonight is from Peter Elson. A really solid work day today. This decision to start my day with my writing hour has been genius. For reals. I mean, I know what you’re thinking, oh regular-blog-reader of mine…”but, haven’t you already had...